This was one of 10 wells drilled by what we call "Water Clubs". Families help each other and learn to build and maintain their own pumps.  Wells in this area are between 150 and 175 ft deep.

Water for All is about helping the rural poor and making Jesus known in word and deed. We are working with people of good will of all faiths and background to do good.


Our Mission Statement

Empower poor, rural families to solve basic food, water, and income problems with their own resources, celebrate life and share God's goodness through the good news of Jesus.


  • Form relationships with the rural poor and live and work and fellowship with families, local churches, and other grass roots groups.

  • Listen and learn and help local families and communities discover and mobilize local assets to solve pressing felt needs with local assets. Share the Gospel in culturally appropriate and sensitive ways.

  • Locally develop and share affordable low cost, and locally reproducible technologies that help poor rural families solve food, water, and income problems with local assets.

  • Inspire and train and cooperate with others helping the rural poor.

  • Execute small local programs directly with poor families in poor areas of the world with local partners, churches, or non-profits teaching local families to drill their own water wells, make their own pumps, farm better, and increase income.   We have progrmas going currently in Bolivia, Ethiopia and Uganda.

  • Act as a catalyst for formation of village level artisan enterprises to make needed low cost tools and technology for increased family water, food production, and income.

  • Train interns, church groups, non-profits, and others to assist the rural poor via consulting, program design or hands on courses.

  • Celebrate Life and the Goodness of God.  We celebrate the Gospel, love people, and support local churches, and strive to make Jesus known in word and deed.

What Drives Us? WFA Human Dignity Values and Philosophy

Men and women are made in God’s image and God desires to share with us his dignity in loving relationship with him. We believe in the need for all to come into loving relationship with God through faith in his Son Jesus.  

Poverty exists when people are not in right relationship to God and/or don’t have basic dignity or proper dominion over their own lives and surroundings. God desires families and individuals to have dignity, that is a proper, healthy, dominion over their own bodies, homes, livelihoods, and natural environments. We believe this pleases God. 

Jesus said the greatest comandment was to love God and love your neighbor.  WFA people, programs, and activities seek to humbly honor God by loving people and sharing the good news of Jesus and by empowering families to fight poverty and have dignity and love and serve one another. 

 To God be the Glory!

This is a "water club" in the poor rural village of San Miguelito, in Eastern Bolivia.  They just drilled their first water well 170 ft deep.  They drilled 10 wells.  Each familiy now has a well. See the guy in the white hat.&nbs…

This is a "water club" in the poor rural village of San Miguelito, in Eastern Bolivia.  They just drilled their first water well 170 ft deep.  They drilled 10 wells.  Each familiy now has a well. See the guy in the white hat.  His name is Norberto.  He liked drilling with our technology so much he started his own little buisness and has drilled dozens more wells charging prices much lower than drilling companies charge.  Everyone in the area can now have a well if they want one!   Norberto was also a leader in the village Baptist church.  We have helped over 1700 families drill their own water wells and started dozens of village level drillers drilling for their neighbors.

Who do we work with?

Our main focuses is working directly with poor families, equiping them to drill their own wells and make and maintain pumps etc.   

But WFA also partners with churches, non profits and businesses who have a long term relationship with the rural poor somewhere in a needy area.   If you or your group desires to start a WFA type program working directly with the poor, please Contact us about partnerships or training.  

We can design custom training events or programs  for your oranization to make a tremendous impact and change lives by equiping the poorest of the poor to provide themselves with WATER!  

We can provide training  and orientation and consulting in our proven method of equipping the poorest of poor to solve one of lifes most basic problems.  WATER.   We know what it takes and can help you get started and have  long term successful and sustainable outcomes.